Conspiracies of the Lost City of Atlantis

The story of Atlantis, the fabulous lost megacity, has captured people’s imaginations for centuries. It’s a story of a romantic civilisation that was suddenly destroyed and faded without a trace. All it has left behind are stories, myths, and legends. Over time, numerous conspiracy propositions have surfaced. In turn this suggests that the true story of Atlantis has been hidden or suppressed for colourful reasons. We will explore some of the most popular Atlantis conspiracy propositions and examine their validity.

The proposition of repression

One of the most popular conspiracy propositions regarding Atlantis is that important associations have designedly suppressed the true story of the lost megacity. The proposition suggests that the discovery of Atlantis could reveal a history of mortal civilisation. And one that’s extensively different from what’s presently known. This knowledge is being suppressed for reasons unknown.

Sympathizers of this proposition believe that Atlantis may be substantiated in the form of ancient relics, eulogies, and structures that have been hidden or destroyed. They claim that these vestiges would challenge the current understanding of human history and hang the established order.

While there’s no concrete substantiation to support this proposition, it’s fueled by the fact that numerous important archaeological discoveries have been suppressed in history. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Rosetta Stone, for illustration, was kept secret several times before they were made public.

The proposition of Cover- Up

Another popular Atlantis conspiracy proposition is that the true position of Atlantis has been designedly hidden or covered up. According to this proposition, important associations or individualities have a vested interest in keeping the position of Atlantis a secret. Furthermore they’ve gone to great lengths to insure that it remains retired.

Some supporters of this proposition suggest that the true position of Atlantis may be in Antarctica. They believe that the region is being designedly hidden from public view. They point to the fact that the mainland is one of the most remote and delicate-to-reach places on Earth. Subsequently it’s largely off-limits to civilians.

While there’s no evidence to support it, some claim that the discovery of Atlantis in Antarctica would have major geopolitical consequences. They suggest that the discovery could reveal that Antarctica was formerly warmer. It could have been a habitable mainland and that the knowledge of this could have major impact on climate change and environmental policy.

The Theory of Alternative Histories

Another popular Atlantis conspiracy proposition is that the discovery of Atlantis would reveal an indispensable history of mortal civilisation that’s extensively different from what’s presently known. Proponents suggest that the discovery of Atlantis would challenge the current understanding of mortal history. It would give a new perspective on the origins of civilisation.

Some believers suggest that the Atlanteans were an advanced civilization. They held knowledge and technology that was far beyond that of other peoples of that time. They claim that the destruction of Atlantis was a result of their abuse of this knowledge and that the world was plunged into a new Dark Age as a result.

While there’s no concrete substantiation to support this proposition, it’s grounded on the idea that there may be knowledge and technology that has been lost to time. According to this proposition, the discovery of Atlantis would give a new understanding of the capabilities of mortal civilisation.

The Proposition of Extraterrestrial Involvement

Another popular conspiracy proposition girding Atlantis is the idea that extraterrestrial beings were involved in the megacity’s destruction. According to this proposition, Atlantis was destroyed by aliens. Or it could have been by a technology that was given to the Atlanteans by extraterrestrial beings.

Supporters  of this proposition or theroy point to colorful pieces of substantiation. For example; ancient busts and textbooks that depict flying machines and advanced technology that could only have come from an extraterrestrial source. Some also believe that the destruction of Atlantis was caused by an extraterrestrial attack or trial.

While there’s no concrete substantiation to support this proposition, it has captured the imaginations of numerous people. It has been the subject of multitudinous books, pictures, and television shows. Some religionists in this proposition claim that the discovery of Atlantis could reveal the verity about extraterrestrial life and its involvement in mortal history.

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